Labor and Employment Law Transactions

The department represents some of Israel’s largest companies, as well as large international corporations, on all matters relating to Israeli labor law. As the department is positioned within a large corporate law firm, and advises on a significant portion of the transactions handled by the firm, its attorneys are able to consult on all matters relating to the field, beginning with strategic consulting regarding organizational aspects and the human resource field, while implementing the department’s experience and suiting all legal services to the client’s organizational needs, and through providing legal advice on specific labor law matters.

The attorneys conduct due diligence; participate in negotiations regarding the forming of the transaction and the drafting of the human resources-related chapters of the agreement; advise on the drafting of labor agreements, employee transfer agreements, future employment agreements and employee retirement agreements, including senior executives; and provide legal consulting regarding the organizations’ various obligations stemming from employment or structural change, whether in a public company or an organized workplace.

"Knowledgeable and innovative professionals who respond to enquiries swiftly and efficiently."

Chambers & Partners | 2020

"The team advises on the full spread of related work, with particular expertise in transactions, restructurings and complex disputes."

The Legal 500 | 2020

"Well-known employment practice offering extensive services for both domestic and international employers on a range of matters."

Chambers & Partners | 2019

"Handles employment issues related to major, often cross-border acquisitions and labour disputes appearing before various levels of the courts."

Chambers & Partners | 2019

"Goldfarb Seligman & Co. represents corporate clients in union negotiations as well as in the labour court and assists multinationals with Israeli labour compliance."

The Legal 500 | 2018